Sicher Elevator won Botanical Garden Project


Commercial complex is the combination of multiple functions such as business, office, residence, hotel, entertainment, etc., resulting in a multi-functional and high-efficiency commercial center. Therefore, how to serve large passenger flow transportation and provide more convenient and efficient services to users becomes key. As a leader in the global elevator market, Sicher Elevator’s services and products are available in over 80 countries and regions, boasting rich experience


The Botanical Garden commercial complex is a multi-functional business center located next to the Botanical Garden in Russia. With a total area of approximately 90,000 square meters, the complex consists of a 19-story tower above ground and 2 underground levels. It integrates functionality, new technology, and natural landscapes, featuring shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, and fitness clubs to meet various needs such as work, leisure, and business negotiations.




As a highly influential supplier and service provider in the Russian market, Sicher Elevator has developed a comprehensive product solution for the project based on its high-quality products, innovative technology, efficient service, and rich experience.

SRH elevator provides 21 passenger elevators (including multiple machine-room-less passenger elevators with a speed of 2.5m/s), 14 escalators, and 2 moving walkways to address complex transportation scenarios with high passenger traffic. Sicher Elevator aims to bring a stable and comfortable riding experience through its safety-oriented approach.


88888 66666 777777 99999 55555



Post time: Jan-25-2024